I went for my medical follow up with Dr Roger Tan yesterday on 04/01/2010. This is my first medical follow-up at M clinic after my transplant.
The blood tests done yesterday were quite good except that FK506 concentration and potassium level is high. Dr Roger Tan again reduce my dosage for FK. He gave me the appointment for the next follow up to be 2 weeks later. He said that that will be the last time i see him. Huh? What does he mean? He explained that he will be going over to Gleneagles/East Shore hospital next month.
For a while, i was shocked and asked him why the sudden decision but he said that he has actually planned 2 months ago but as i was going to China, he kept the plans from me. He is leaving... i feel sad. I'm going to miss him, he is such a nice doctor. On the other hand, i should support his decision because going to private hospital will always be better for him in terms of prospect and development. He is too nice a doctor and don't go by the books, government hospital is not suitable for him.
He is one of the 过客 in my life that i will remember always. I appreciate all that he has done for me and hope that he will do well in his future endeavors.