Saturday, December 24, 2011

2011 coming to an end

Tomorrow will be Christmas, one more week later and we will be stepping into a brand new 2012 year.

Time flies and passes us in the brink of an eye. I find that as I get older, time goes by faster for me. Or is it my job? I will start the week with Monday and thinking how to close order, follow by Tuesday and Wednesday, then boss will pop the sentence "Business very bad, no order close at all." Well, she didn't really stress us, but the stress is from oneself. Thursday, Friday and one week is gone. Always looking forward to a better next week and the date my candidate start work. OMG, no wonder time passes so quickly. Was exchanging presents with Staff Solutions colleagues yesterday and it was just like yesterday that we were celebrating christmas at Melting Pot last year. This is already my 4th christmas with Staff Solutions.

New Year, New Hope, New Resolutions! Hmm... must start thinking of my new resolutions and looking back at the achievements of the current drawn. Hopefully 2012, year of the Dragon, is a better year for all of us. I wish for good health, peace, luck and happiness.